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so when will be the next updat

Is there a way to change the controls? Because i hit my page down and up and nothing happens but i can't find a way to change it

What place are you in?  page up and down only work during day time in the city.

So i tried it a bit more and i can only use it while sprinting, it's just when moving not standing still with Shift.

There's a new release. See the devlog for more details!

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do skills like "remove X article of clothing" do anything aside from unlock scenes or is the a button to strip?

Not really, I never quite implemented skills that well so they sort of act as a marker for certain things in the early game, but that's all.

Hello there! There's a new release out! 0.13.0 is out now to all. Hope you shall all enjoy!

As usual full details in the release notes.


Will the itch version ever include the patreon only content?

I've considered doing special events or folding in patreon events for those that buy on itch. In general I feel like I want to offer a reward to those that supported the development. I would say, not the public release, but for the bought release I'm thinking of making a special version.

Is it possible to be caught by the police in this game?

It’s not, but it is something I wondered about when making it. There is an idea that you can get caught, and that’s a game over and I’ve considered changing it to something like when you’re seen police appear and start looking out for you… as for plots with the police in I wanted the protagonist to always have a choice, so I thought about plot lines involving the police that were non coercive but I’ve got nothing at the moment. If I come up with something that’s respectful to the police and respectful to the mc, maybe. 

Just a FYI, the MacOS version fails with a "can't be opened" error.  This is not the "unidentified developer" error.  I have checked and permissions appear correct so fixing it with chmod doesn't address it.

So.... the windows version of RPGMZ doesn't build the Mac version too well.

I've prepared a new one, built natively on a Mac I borrowed.
I've replaced the one here, and you can also download from:

Worked great, thank you!

Release 0.12.1 is out now for download!


There is a new release coming, when I return from the US in a couple of weeks.

did you take this off the website or what? 2 months and it still cant be downloaded. Is patreon only now?

It... shouldn't be. I'm checking.

Oh my god. It was set to hidden! Then... stuff happened and I had to drop out for a while. I'm so sorry. It is now restored.

hey no worries, i was just curious. love the game btw

I thank you for loving the game!


where's the download button?

Oh my god. It was set to hidden! Then... stuff happened and I had to drop out for a while. I'm so sorry. It is now restored.


why is there no download button here

Oh my god. It was set to hidden! Then... stuff happened and I had to drop out for a while. I'm so sorry. It is now restored.

its all good no worries

Deleted 48 days ago

I think I agree. I want to expand in future releases the ways to go back/revisit old things/etc.

Is there a program you use to make the characters?

Yes, For the 3D renders I use Daz3d and for the sprites I use a program I wrote for the purpose. I was thinking of releasing it but when you do that you need to make it nice in a way that works for everyone and it’s a lot of work. One day I’ll return to that and release it alongside the plugins I wrote. 

New release out today! See new links above!

(1 edit)

How do you get the scenes in the beginning, like in chapter 1 opening the door naked and some events in the park?

Opening the door naked relies on your level of exhibitionism, make sure to do as many events as possible during the prologue. There's an island in the north east that a couple of events take place in. Some exploration, while not getting caught will unlock the missing stuff.

(2 edits) (+1)

This last update seems to have broken all sneak missions for me. Whenever I regain control of Emma, she's fully dressed again and I can't remove any clothing until the mission is completed. Love the game, though.

It seems to be specifically strip missions in central city that is affected.

Edit 2:
I was wrong. It's in every area. I just got confused, because the missions that end with Emma being naked (bar alley, masturbate by car) works as intended.

I'll have a fix out today!

hi   The game is great  The Exhibitionist
" dont know if it is already planned or not, but i really

l would like to suggest some. Ideas "

hi I only have 5 questions does anyone know

1.) Have you thought adding a to the Women Sex Toys ?

2.)so i was wondering will pregnancy and gives birth be added within the next update?

3.)Another thing you can add is condoms  as an item that it's consumabile.

Of course you'll have to give the players the options to choose were

But think it clearly that if you have this system in the game

4.)Have you thought adding a to the Massage
5.)Have you thought adding a to the Friseur
6.)Have you thought adding a to the Pool

7.)Have you thought adding a to the Maids
8Have you thought adding a to the emergency medical Services->Nurse

I've answered these in Discord! :-) 

New Release 0.10.1: See DevLog for details. I haven't done the itch upload yet, but I will soon. The DevLog includes a download link to the new version.

Hey! Just bought the game because of how much I love the character. Is there a way to get the Patreon content without being a member? I know it's not ready yet, but couldn't wait XD
You're doing an amazing job with the progress

I've got a release coming out today. My plan is to send to buyers the Patron Edition!

Ah sweeeet! Thanks so much :)

i have played through the entire game from start every time there is an update, i mean like 5 or 6 times, and every time its just as good! I finally decided it was time to pay for it. I know its not much  but i felt like i owed it to you. thanks for the game!

Thank you so much! I'm so glad you like it! I'm planning to start giving buyers a special edition of the game, maybe or something like this, so stay tuned.

awesome, cant wait!

Been really happy with the game so far i felt my initial purchase wasn't enough

So i contributed again

Keep up the good work and looking forward to whats next

That is super appreciated! I'm going to try to send you and other purchasers the link to the special p edition!

New version 0.9.2. See DevLog for details!

Hey all. If you bought the game, can you reach out to me? I'd like to get you the special release and access to future versions of that, as a reward for your kindness.

Hi there, I've just purchased your game, but I don't know how else to contact you lol. It's very enjoyable, and I look forward to seeing what future progress you make :)

So glad you like it. I'm going to try to drop you a special version. 

Hey, thanks! 

Question. Is it possible to encounter the police in this game?

I'm afraid not. Yet.

Bug report: the game is looking for /img/pictures/Bd_Sister_Rewards_Self_4.png_ (not just 4, also 1-7).  These don't exist.

Oh, I'm so sorry I missed this. That's an odd one. Definately those images were removed, but so were the events... but... it's possible if your save was in a specific place.. Were you able to overcome the problem?


Okay weird request but can you add the option to leave on your shoes? That is one dirty city...

Bare feet on pavement add to the excitement of being naked at a place you shouldn't be. And it's a game, it's not like they'll get dirty.

I agree, and that is kind of the point. The problem is, we'd have to redo a whole bunch of renders.
I don't think I'll do this right now.

still 0.65? Deploy, deploy, deploooooy )


So, I don't know how to use the skills... Maybe I'm dumb.

Also, I had a fun idea for the sister character in future updates. What if we use the basketball court? Convince the sisters to play strip basketball and whoever loses goes home nude? Eh?

well, you don’t really use them. I mean they unlock other events. 


also, I like that. It’s a nice idea. I love thèse kind of daring things.

(1 edit)

ok.. new here. I've tried the game.  version 0.6.5
progress made:  reached to 1st time in the office by night. Instead of taking the 1st heart i've walked around the office. gone to what it seems the boss office and interacted. At this point, the game has freezed.
Perversion level is 20. Exhib lvl is 84. Sister is at home waiting to reach lvl 35.


ok! I’ll look into it and see if I can replicate. 


nice game but we need some way to know if there is more stuff to do and where to go


planning to add more of this in the next releases. And more signposting. 

great dude, keep up the good work and thank you!!!

Awesome game and amazing newest update. Very great progression and images. Thank you!

New release 0.6.5. If you've had no problems you don't really need it unless you SUPER LOVE "About" screens.

The Itch link now work, thank you.

Awesome! And thanks for your help. Your comment helped me fix that problem.

Sorry to bother you but the download isn't available on this page (Also sorry accidently deleted the previous my previous post)

It's no bother. I have fixed it! For some reason it set it to hide.

New version 0.6.4: 30+ new events, new areas, graphic improvements. NOTE: It might mess up with old saves since some changes are substantial. Your mileage may vary, but if any problems delete your save directory. I've included a set of save files just in case.

Version 0.4.4: Bug fixes, fog, more hints to where you're going, splitting up the city map to give you less wandering about. NOTE: Before installing backup your progress by saving in Emma's house (NOT in the city map). See dev log for full details.

Could not download the new version with apps.

I'm not sure why. Anyway, you can just use my mega link:

(1 edit)

FYI when I googled about this, it seems that this problem happened when you uploaded the new version of your game to itch without assigning any platform to it. That's the info I got, if you would like to check upon it further. Anyway, I'll try to download it from the link you've provided. Thx for replying and good luck with your game.

New release! Yay! 0.4.3 lots of lovely changes.

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